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2nd Annual FAMJAM

Was a hit!

Thank you to everyone and your support!

Donate to our $100,000 match for match by clicking the button below or texting PENNY to 801801. Every penny counts!

Our Mission

The butterfly effect is a phenomenon in which a tiny event, like the flap of a butterfly’s wings, can result in a profound and far-reaching shift of circumstance. 

Through Penny’s story and bright light, the Penny's Flight Foundation aims to expand knowledge around NF, while inspiring others to find beauty in imperfection, positivity in the face of challenge, and faith over fear. Read more about What We Fund.

About Penny

Penelope Griggs Doerge (June 29, 2006 - November 10, 2022) was a talented artist, fashionista, world traveler, social media influencer and the founder of “Glam Camp”, a summer program for young girls. In just 16 years, she lived a life full of purpose, passion and joy, and through her actions showed countless others how to live with grace.

Penny was a model of resilience, positivity and courage. Diagnosed with neurofibromatosis (NF1) as an infant, Penny never let this define her or hold her back. She lived her life “Walking on Sunshine”, in the words of her favorite song. Penny made an impact everywhere she went by shining her bright light. She was an inspiration and a teacher to people of all ages.

Penny is the daughter of Chad and Kate Doerge who created the Penny’s Flight Foundation shortly after Penny’s death in November 2022.  The Foundation was created to advance medical research in NF1 and its related disorders, and to inspire others to live with positivity and humor and find the beauty and joy in all situations.

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The Penny Doerge Adaptive Academy at HSS

The Penny Doerge Adaptive Academy (PDAA) at Hospital for Special Surgery organizes local, regional and national adaptive programs for kids and teens facing a range of disabilities. These events help patients realize new skills and interests, reinforce therapy goals and allow patients to socialize with other patients. Examples of past PDAA events include skiing, surfing and indoor rock climbing. These experiences encourage mobility and independence and often result in increased self-esteem, self-confidence and motivation to live fuller, more active lives, just like Penny did.